How Treating Hearing Loss Can Help Your Golf Game

How Treating Hearing Loss Can Help Your Golf Game

In Uncategorized by Candace Wawra

The warmth of a sunny day. The smell of fresh cut grass. The sight of beautiful rolling hills all around you. The gentle sound of a well struck putt. And of course, the feeling of driving that ball exactly where you want it.

These are just some of the wonderful aspects of a great day out on the golf course.

What makes an excellent golfer? Well, everyone knows that a great golfer needs to have steady hands, concentration, a drive for success, proper swing mechanics, and accurate depth perception.

But did you know that hearing ability can also have an impact on one’s golf score?

How is hearing important in golf

As strange as the correlation may seem at first, it’s actually pretty simple to connect the dots between better hearing and an improved golf game. Golfers use all of their senses in their swing, including their sense of hearing. Very minute changes in the sound the club makes when it makes contact with the ball can have different implications on where the ball may head, and whether or not you have taken a successful swing. In addition, hearing plays a pivotal role in balance. A golfer’s swing is only as good as their core balance over the ball, and untreated hearing loss could potentially impact that balance.

Golfers listen to these sounds as well as other indicators, such as the sound of the wind. These tiny details can make a big difference in individual swings, your overall score, and in the end can even mean victory or defeat.

Think about it, if the sense of hearing wasn’t so important for golfers, why do golf tournaments demand an almost silent atmosphere?

Do hearing aids actually make a difference in golfers’ scores?

Audiology Online had the opportunity to interview one of golf’s most adored legends, Arnold Palmer, about his experiences wearing hearing aids. Arnold spent most of the interview raving about how hearing aids have positively impacted him in many areas of his day to day life – but he also said they had a positive impact on his golf game.

Here is what Arnold had to say about how hearing aids improved his game: “I’ve noticed the sound of the golf ball being hit by the golf club is different, and much more realistic, with the hearing aids. The sound with the hearing aids makes sense, and better represents what I know is happening to the golf ball. So, you could say that the hearing aids help give me confidence regarding my golf game.” (

Luckily for the rest of us, studies have found that accurate hearing has a positive impact for the average golfer as well. One study used headphones to play the recording of sounds hitting balls while golfers took a swing. The recording was either of a two-piece distance ball, or the softer wound balls. Astonishingly, 100% of the time, the golfers identified the ball as the one they heard – regardless of the type of ball they actually hit.

On top of this, another more informal study on was conducted with middle-handicappers hitting iron shots to a green 150 yards away. For half of the shots, the golfers were required to wear noise cancelling earmuffs. Unsurprisingly, the golfers were much more successful when they were able to hear, successfully hitting the green 67% of the time versus only 53% of the time when wearing the earmuffs.

Important ways hearing aids improve your life

For some people, a perfect golf swing and great golf score are all the reason they need to reach out to schedule a hearing assessment and begin treating their hearing loss with hearing aids. For others, there may be other underlying factors.

On top of improving your golf game, hearing aids have been shown to improve romantic and familial relationships, improve self-esteem, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, improve symptoms of tinnitus, increase earning potential, and reduce risks of serious falls or injury – just to name a few.

Plus, with improved hearing, you’ll be better able to actually connect with and converse with the most important part of the game of golf – the people you hit the green with!

Hearing Wellness Solutions

If you need help finding a hearing solution for your golf game and your other favorite activities, do not hesitate to reach out to our friendly team at Hearing Wellness Solutions for assistance. We are here to support you in every aspect of your life!