Springfield Hearing Aids Center

Candace Wawra, HIS performing an ear exam on elderly patient

Best Place to Buy Hearing Aids in Springfield, MO

Our team at Hearing Wellness Solutions is here to help you choose affordable hearing aids that are right for your hearing needs, the environments where you spend time, your lifestyle and your budget. We provide professional hearing aid fittings to ensure optimal benefits to the wearer. Every hearing aid fitting includes adjustments and programming so you get the best hearing possible.

With our experience, our roots in our community, and our commitment to finding the best solution for your specific needs (and not selling you features or technology you don’t need!), we pride ourselves on being the best place to buy hearing aids in Springfield, MO.

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How Much Do Hearing Aids Cost in Springfield, Missouri?

Hearing aids are essential investments for people with hearing loss that allow them to hear and communicate better, leading to stronger relationships with loved ones and enhanced quality of life. However, the cost of hearing aids can vary depending on several factors, such as the type of device, the level of technology it incorporates, and the provider. The cost of hearing aids in Springfield, MO can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.
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Hearing aid in hand
Generally, there are two main types of hearing aids available: in-the-ear (ITE) and behind-the-ear (BTE). ITE hearing aids are custom-made to fit inside the ear canal, while BTE hearing aids rest externally behind the ear. The cost of ITE hearing aids is usually higher than BTE hearing aids as their smaller size requires the implementation of the latest technologies, which inevitably drives up their price. Furthermore, cutting-edge, advanced devices that come with many additional features, such as noise reduction and Bluetooth connectivity, will always be more expensive compared to basic hearing aids.

Finally, affordable hearing aids in Springfield have costs that can fluctuate depending on the provider. Some of them offer a variety of hearing aid brands at different price points, while others may only offer a limited selection from a couple of supported manufacturers. Therefore, it is vital to do some research and compare prices before making a purchase, as many hearing aid providers also offer financing options that can make devices much more accessible and affordable.

Overall, the cost of affordable hearing aids in Springfield, Missouri varies widely and can fall anywhere in the hundreds to thousands of dollars. The final cost will depend on several factors, such as the type of hearing aid, the number of integrated features and technologies, as well as product options determined by individual providers. It is critical to consult with a hearing healthcare professional to select the best type of hearing aid for your lifestyle needs and budget.

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Who Invented Hearing Aids?

Ear Trumpets have been around since the 17th century. But the first hearing aid using a carbon transmitter was invented in 1898 by Miller Rees Hutchinson. It was called the Akouphone - a breakthrough portable hearing aid that used a carbon transmitter to amplify weak signals into stronger signals. Although the device was bulky and challenging to use, comprising of a separate microphone, amplifier, headphones, and short-lasting battery, it marked a significant advancement in the field of hearing technology.

When Were Hearing Aids Invented?

The 20th century saw significant advancements in hearing aid technology, wherein the first transistor hearing aid was developed at Bell Laboratories during the latter half of 1948, which was smaller and more efficient than previous models. Later down the line, in the 1970s, the first analog hearing aids were introduced, which allowed for greater customization and control over sound amplification and sound quality.
Woman with hearing aid holding smart phone and adjusting the settings of her hearing aid app
Today's digital hearing aids are a far cry from their early predecessors, incorporating countless new technologies, such as microprocessors, to analyze incoming sound and make adjustments in real-time to amplify specific frequencies based on the user's hearing requirements or preferences. Additionally, many modern digital hearing aids also have integrated invaluable features, such as Bluetooth hearing aids and rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. Bluetooth connectivity, allows Bluetooth hearing aids to connect to smartphones and other devices for even greater control and customization.
As it stands, the history of hearing aids spans several centuries, with significant advancements in technology occurring incrementally and built upon the platform of previous innovations. It is no surprise then, how incredibly advanced today's hearing aids are, providing users with the ability to hear more clearly than ever before with the added convenience and benefits of ingenious features that facilitate social engagement and connection to the fullest extent.
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How Do Hearing Aids Work?

Today, hearing aids have evolved into complex pieces of technology and have been refined over time to help people with hearing loss. The development of remarkable hearing aids has restored the industry in the last decade. Today, we're spoiled with choice between discreet, comfortable and high-quality hearing aid models.

Regardless of their style and functionality, all hearing aids share a few important parts: a microphone and an amplifier; a battery compartment; and an on/off switch. Microphones pick up sound, after which it is sent to the amplifier. Hearing aids come in different shapes and sizes, but their purpose is the same: to capture the sounds of your environment and deliver it for your ears and brain to process.

Hearing aid and hearing aid battery

How Long Do Hearing Aids Last?

In most cases, hearing aids will last around three to seven years. Behind the Ear (BTE) hearing aids generally last five to six years while In the Ear (ITE) hearing aids last about four to five years.

This is simply because ITE hearing aids are exposed to more moisture and earwax being inside the ear while BTE hearing aids rest on the outside of the ear.

Lithium batteries used in rechargeable hearing aids typically last about four to five years.

Hearing Aid Styles

Resound Lineup

All hearing aids contain the same components: receiver (microphone), amplifier, speaker, battery, and program/volume control. Hearing aid styles differ in the organization of these parts and how they are worn. Which style is right for you? When selecting a style, many items are considered including the following:

  • The Degree of Hearing Loss
  • Manual Dexterity and Visual Abilities
  • Budget
  • Cosmetics
  • Skin sensitivities
BTE hearing aid in woman's ear

Behind the Ear (BTE)

BTE hearing aids consist of two major components: a plastic casing that houses the electronic parts of the aid and drapes over the back of your ear, and a plastic tube that is fitted in your canal to deliver amplified sound. BTE hearing aids treat mild to profound levels of hearing loss. BTE hearing aids are great for people with dexterity issues, as their controls are easily accessible. However, they may not be convenient for people who wear glasses.
Fitting a hearing aid to a patient

Receiver in Canal (RIC)

RIC hearing aids are similar to BTE hearing aids, with the speaker positioned within the ear canal. However, they have a slimmer profile, with a thin wire that connects the speaker to a less-visible plastic casing. RIC hearing aids are a popular discreet treatment option for mild to moderate hearing loss.
close up of hearing aids

In the Ear (ITE)

All components of the hearing aid are housed in one case that is worn as a full or half shell in the ear. ITE hearing aids are made from a customized mold of your ear, with the faceplate on the surface of your concha. ITE hearing aids accommodate a smaller range of hearing needs and are usually recommended for individuals who have mild to severe hearing loss. Their small parts may be difficult for people with dexterity issues, but they are convenient for glasses-wearers.
ITE hearing aid in ear being pinched by two fingers

In the Canal (ITC) and Completely in the Canal (CIC)

While ITE hearing aids are visible, both ITC and CIC hearing aids are virtually undetectable and provide much discretion. Both ITC and CIC styles are custom made from an impression of your ear, and then are gently inserted by you or your hearing professional. Both ITC and CIC hearing aids accommodate levels of mild to severe hearing loss.

Hearing Aid Manufacturers

Hearing Wellness Solutions dispenses hearing aid technology products from several manufacturers including: GN ReSound, Oticon, Phonak, Rexton, Signia, Starkey, Unitron, and Widex. Your professional will determine which product is right for you after testing your hearing abilities and learning about your needs and communication style. The most important factor in determining a successful hearing aid fitting is the professional programming it, not the hearing aid. There are numerous choices in hearing aid technology. Your professional will help you choose the best technology for you based on your needs using only the latest in technology and offering solutions to meet any budget. No single manufacturer can meet the needs of every patient.
signia logo
Mature woman holding her finger on her ear with BTE hearing aid

Hearing Tests and Hearing Aid Fittings

At Hearing Wellness Solutions of Springfield, MO, we understand that hearing is an essential part of life and offer comprehensive hearing tests and hearing aid fittings to help individuals of all ages achieve optimal hearing health.

Our experienced staff utilizes state-of-the-art technology to assess patients' hearing abilities, identify any hearing impairments, and determine the most effective treatment options.

Audiologist holding hearing aid and smart phone with hearing app
If you plan to only use your hearing aids at home in Springfield, the more basic units may suffice. On the other hand, if you want to enhance your hearing at home, in the car, at the supermarket, at restaurants, and at the concerts and football games you attend — in other words, across a wide variety of listening environments, then you’ll want a more full-featured advanced digital hearing aid. Of course, the more you use your hearing aids, the more they will help you, the more you’ll be engaged with your friends and family and the more you’ll get out of life.
The majority of hearing aids available are now digital, as opposed to analog in older hearing aids. All sound signals picked up by digital hearing aids are converted into digital information, which is then processed at incredibly fast speeds before delivering sounds that you hear. Today’s digital hearing aids in Springfield, MO are able to perform multiple functions simultaneously with fast processing speeds. Hearing aid processors range from basic to advanced in terms of technology level. Discover the discreet and powerful digital or wireless hearing aid that will work for you. Call us to find out which individual hearing aid type and brand is right for you.
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Hearing Aid Services in Springfield, MO

Our team at Hearing Wellness Solutions is here to support you as you integrate hearing aids into your life. As long-time residents of Springfield, MO, we are here to help you bridge the gap between all the settings in our community where hearing aids will be useful, especially how to use them in communication with others. Here in Springfield, we know there is so much to participate in, from arts and performance showings to fairs to live sports events. We believe hearing aids will help reconnect you to everything you’ve loved doing here in Springfield.
Hearing Aid Specialist placing hearing aid in patient;s hand
In the transition to using assistive technology, many issues may arise. It is common for people to resist wearing them because they are unfamiliar and the accessibility of clear sound can be overwhelming at first. Some people would prefer to only wear their hearing aids at home when they are alone and need to be aware of alerts. Others only put them in for parties, family gatherings, and larger events where conversation will be difficult.
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Springfield Hearing Aid Support & Counseling

Some new users may resist wearing hearing aids at first, feeling a stigma of some kind, but conversation with our staff can help you understand how great the benefits will be to your lifestyle and general health. Hearing is linked with surprising other health outcomes, and assistive technology can help in ways you might have never imagined.
Elderly man smiling and looking up at Candace Wawra, HIS

The essential piece of the puzzle, of course, is to make sure to wear your hearing aids regularly. They are only as effective as they are put into use. Our assistance with the transition to hearing aids should help you reap the benefits far into the future. Not only do we point you in the right direction on the path of hearing assistance, we are there with you as you continue down the road, available to solve any problems you may encounter and to make sure that you continue hearing at your best far into the future.

If you’re seeking hearing aid services in and around Springfield, MO, you’re in luck. Here at Hearing Wellness Solutions, we pride ourselves in our care, expert technical knowledge, and our lovely community here in Springfield. We look forward to meeting you!

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Springfield Hearing Aid Maintenance Tips

For those who experience hearing loss, hearing aids are vital devices that allow them to remain connected to the world around them and continue to function normally in their daily lives. As such, it is important that they receive proper maintenance to ensure optimal functionality and longevity. One of the most essential hearing aid maintenance tips is keeping them clean and dry. Earwax, moisture, and debris can accumulate in the hearing aid, leading to malfunction or damage. It is recommended to clean the hearing aid daily with a soft, dry cloth or brush to remove any dirt or wax buildup.
Audiologist holding hearing aid and hearing aid battery
Another vital maintenance tip is to check the battery regularly. A weak battery can cause the hearing aid to produce distorted sounds or stop working altogether. If the device is not powered by lithium-ion rechargeable batteries, it is wise to carry extra batteries and replace them when necessary. Additionally, it is essential to store the hearing aids in a safe and dry place when not in use, as exposure to extreme heat, cold, or moisture can damage the device.
It is also necessary to have the hearing aids serviced by a hearing healthcare professional periodically. The audiologist can check the device's performance, give it a thorough cleaning, and make any necessary repairs or adjustments to the fit and settings. Regular maintenance can prolong the life of the hearing aid and guarantee that it provides optimal sound quality. By following these simple hearing aid maintenance tips, individuals can enjoy better hearing and a greater quality of life from their investment for many years.
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Hearing Aid Features & Technology

A wide range of technology and a variety of features are available in each hearing aid style. The cost of hearing aids generally depends on the technology and the number of features within the hearing aid.
Phonak Audéo Life™

Wireless Hearing Devices

Deliver clear and secure audio directly to your hearing instruments. Stream stereo sound directly from your smart phone, TV, tablet, and/or additional microphone and personalize your hearing experience. We have your wireless hearing solution for any need.
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Common Hearing Aid Features

Hearing aids are designed with features to accommodate the many different aspects of hearing loss. You will find a number of common features in hearing aids, outlined below.
  • Wireless Connectivity
    Through wireless connection, hearing aid wearers may stream phone calls from their smartphones, music, and other media directly to their hearing aids without the assistance of other devices.
  • Directional Microphones
    Directional microphones help to focus on sounds wearers prefer to hear, and especially help with conversation.
  • Telecoil
    Telecoils connect hearing aid wearers to the PA systems in these spaces and allow them to stream the sounds directly to their hearing aids through electromagnetic connection. This is a form of assistive listening.
  • Ultra-fast Processing Platforms
    Digital processing platforms have made hearing aids into minicomputers! They balance and analyze sound from the wearer’s environment, providing wearers with clear sound signals and better recognition with speech.
  • Moisture and Debris Resistance
    Hearing aids are designed with some level of resistance against moisture and debris. Check the hearing aids IP rating – the higher it is, the better it resists the elements.
  • Speech Recognition
    Speech recognition features help people with hearing loss identify patterns, balance different frequencies of voices, and focus on specific speakers in challenging noise environments.
  • Music Listening
    Many newer hearing aids have begun to offer features tailored to music listening, to help with live music, recorded music, and also for musicians who perform.
  • Feedback Cancellation
    Feedback happens when sounds are amplified and are picked up again by the hearing aid’s microphone. Most hearing aids offer feedback cancellation, which anticipates and cancels out feedback noise before it occurs, providing a comfortable listening experience.

Contact Our Springfield Hearing Aid Center

Could you benefit from seeing a hearing professional?

We invite you to schedule a consultation with our Hearing Instrument Specialist, Candace Wawra.