You may not be surprised to learn that hearing loss can interfere with communication, which is one of a relationship’s main building blocks. It can …
The Benefits of Being Social for Older Americans
You know already that a number of health benefits are gained by remaining physically active in your older years, including reducing chronic pain, delaying and …
A Healthy Diet Can Lower the Risk of Hearing Loss
There are many reasons to adhere to a healthy diet, from keeping us full of energy to reinforcing our immune system to reducing our cholesterol. …
New Year’s Resolution: Get Your Hearing Tested
With each New Year, come our grand New Year’s Resolutions. Perhaps this year we have resolved to cut refined sugar, exercise more or spend more …
Are Two Hearing Aids Better Than One?
Making the decision to treat your hearing loss is a difficult one, so congratulations if you’ve scheduled a hearing test. The most common prescription for …
Going Digital with Your Hearing Aids
It’s amazing to think about how far hearing aid technology has come in only the past 30 years. Not only have they gotten smaller, they …
Hearing Aids & Artificial Intelligence
Hearing technology has come a long way since its humble beginnings. Indeed, it can be tough to keep up with all the new features and …
Acupuncture for Hearing Loss & Tinnitus: Does it Really Work?
Our senses are how we experience the world around us: what we see, what we hear, what we smell and taste. When one of those …
How Hearing Aids Can Change Your Life
Learning to cope with hearing loss can be a difficult task as we all like to listen to others who are speaking to us, as …
Ear Infections & Hearing Loss
What parent hasn’t been completely flummoxed by the pain their child feels due to an unrelenting earache or ear infection? The ear is foreign territory …