Hearing Testing
We will take the time to ask you questions to discover the specific types of environments in which you may be experiencing hearing loss and hearing problems. A medical and hearing health history will be reviewed to determine the cause of hearing problems.
Next, we will look into your ears by using an otoscope. This instrument is used to see the ear canal and the eardrum and whether or not there is earwax blocking the canal.
The hearing test will determine:
Hearing Aid Repair
Many times we can repair a broken hearing aid in the office during the same day. We carry parts for several brands of hearing aids and usually can get you hearing again quickly. If the hearing aid needs a factory repair, we will give you a price quote before the work is done. Additional warranties are also an option during the repair.
Active Listening Training Skills
Do you feel like you have difficulty hearing and understanding in noisy restaurants, with a rapid speaker, if background noise is present? Even if your hearing is normal, this can be a major struggle for you. Hearing Wellness Solutions will test your ability to understand speech in noisy settings and determine if an auditory training program would be right for you.
Listening skills training can retrain the brain to comprehend speech up to 40% better in difficult listening situations. To learn more about active listening training visit us in Springfield, MO.
Hearing Aid Programming
Whether you purchased your hearing aids from Hearing Wellness Solutions, a friend, another provider, or inherited them, we will help you if they are the right fit for your hearing loss.
Your initial programming prescription may need some fine tuning to help you hear the best in all of your listening situations. Usually this is accomplished over the course of two to three follow up visits. We can fine tune your hearing instruments to help you hear in a variety of situations including restaurants, business meetings and other difficult listening situations.
Hearing Protection and Custom Ear Molds
We care about your hearing preservation. We encourage custom hearing protection for hunters, gun enthusiast, loud employment situations, concert goers and noisy household chores. We provide custom hearing protection as well as custom molds for ear buds and swimmer plugs.
Real Ear Measurements
Real Ear Measurement (REM) is a scientific method to objectively measure hearing aid amplification while in the ear. This is done to verify that the hearing aid is achieving proper and accurate amplification for your hearing loss. A real ear measurement involves a thin probe microphone being placed in your ear while you wear your hearing aid. It takes into account the shape and size of your specific ear canal, which can affect how your hearing aid will sound and work for you. The measurements allow your specialist to make a precise adjustment based on your hearing loss and your specific needs. In addition to REM, we also offer other tools including Live Speech Mapping, In-Situ measurements and The Client Oriented Scale of Improvement (COSI) to measure improvement in your hearing abilities.
We take into consideration not only your scientific needs, but also your personalized hearing preferences to find the right hearing solution for you.
Caption Call
Does your hearing loss make talking on the phone difficult? Do you have a home phone connection and high speed internet?
We are proud to work with CaptionCall, a completely FREE service for those with a medically documented hearing loss–free setup, free equipment, and free to use! Just like a regular landline telephone, you and the other party can speak directly to one another. However, with CaptionCall, the other party’s side of the conversation will also be transcribed onto the phone’s large, easy to read screen. It also has many other features, such as sound amplification, a visual ringer, and touch-screen calling. It can be customized to your needs! If you would like to learn more or get started with a hearing evaluation, just give us a call at 417-887-8499 or email us at and we will be happy to assist you!
Second Opinion and Advice
At Hearing Wellness Solutions, we welcome questions and a desire to learn. Did you purchase your hearing aids from another provider and you’re not sure how to use them? Would you like more explanation on your technology and verification of your prescription? Would you like tips, encouragement and help to get the most out of your hearing aids? Not sure if you have a hearing loss and want an honest opinion? Your friends or spouse tell you that you need your hearing checked? We welcome you to our caring and wellness centered office. We will take the time to hear your questions and concerns and will work together to find a solution for you. For those looking for hearing aids, we offer a wide variety of hearing aids in our Springfield hearing healthcare office.