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Celebrate World Hearing Day: Ear and Hearing Care for All!

In Hearing Health by audseo

Do you have hearing loss? Many Americans may, but they may not be aware of it! Hearing loss often starts slowly over many years, so your brain rationalizes the loss. However just because you aren’t aware of your loss, doesn’t mean it’s not affecting you. Unaddressed hearing loss can have wide-reaching impacts on your cognitive, emotional, and physical health. 

March is just around the corner and along with the promise of Spring comes World Hearing Day, an international campaign led by the World Health Organization (WHO) to help raise awareness on prevention and treatment around this devastating world problem. Every year, WHO adds a theme for World Hearing Day and this year’s theme is Ear and Hearing Care for All!

The Global Impact of Hearing Loss 

WHO estimates that 466 million people globally face some form of hearing loss. While hearing loss has long been a health condition associated with aging, it’s now understood that anyone of any age can suffer from hearing loss. While one in three people 65 and older and over half of those 75 years and older have hearing loss, WHO projects that around 1.1 billion young people between the ages of 12 and 35 are at risk of hearing loss due to unsafe levels of noise exposure. Even more alarming is that the global effects of hearing loss show no sign of slowing down. In the next 30 years, WHO worries that if global understanding of prevention and the health impacts of hearing loss is not more widely understood, these numbers will likely double to around 900 million!

Understanding the Impact

Change always needs to happen one by one, before it becomes a worldwide trend. This means that it can start with you. Many people misunderstand how important it is to treat hearing loss early. 

The Emotional Impact

When left unaddressed impacts on your communication can leave you feeling exhausted even after a mild social interaction. Communication is the cornerstone of healthy relationships and if hearing loss goes untreated for years, you’ll find that you are conversing less even at home with your family and significant other. This can lead to self-isolation, feelings of loneliness even when surrounded by those close to you, and chronic depression. 

The Economic Impact

According to a 2012 study published in Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology: “Adults with hearing loss are more likely to be unemployed and, on average, earn significantly lower wages.” Employers may begin to rely on you less as communication issues connected to unaddressed hearing loss make it more likely that misunderstandings and accidents may become more commonplace. Studies have also shown that people who treat their hearing loss with hearing aids perform on an equal level with colleagues with normal hearing. 

The Physical Impact

Hearing not only helps us communicate with others but gives us a sense of space. We have two ears to help us locate sound. Even when hearing loss is present in just one ear it can impact how aware we are of approaching sounds and their location, shortening our reaction time and increasing the likeliness of accidents. In addition, communication issues and lack of awareness of space may impact independence as well as mobility. This means we are less likely to go to new places and try new things.

The Cognitive Impact

Studies show that even mild hearing loss may add to cognitive decline. When we struggle to hear parts of words due to hearing loss it means our brain must work harder to fill in the blanks. This can put a strain on your brain, and over time can even lead to brain atrophy and a greater risk of dementia earlier in life or at all.

Early Detection and Intervention of Hearing Loss

Research shows that from the time someone identifies their hearing loss to the moment they seek treatment is an average of seven years. The sooner you uncover a hearing loss, the sooner you can start to prevent the many dangerous impacts, making early detection and intervention crucial. While 90 percent of cases of hearing loss are irreversible, hearing aids can help mitigate the effects, improving communication, mobility, and cognitive performance.

Celebrate with Hearing Wellness Solutions!

With March 3rd coming up, why not schedule a hearing test with us? Even if hearing loss isn’t necessarily prevalent in your life, being proactive may circumvent health issues down the road. Celebrate World Hearing Day by scheduling a hearing exam with us today!