Healthy Hearing Tips for the New Year

Healthy Hearing Tips for the New Year

In Hearing Health, lifestyle, Tips & Tricks by Candace Wawra

Are you making any resolutions this for the New Year? If you make resolutions every year only to find yourself breaking them a few days into January, it’s time to make a resolution you can keep. Many Americans resolve to improve their health, and decide to go to the gym every week or eat healthier. However, one thing we never think about is our hearing health. Nearly 40 million Americans have hearing loss, so if you want to improve your health in 2018, it’s time to make a resolution to improve your hearing health. Here are some tips for healthy hearing in the new year.

Make Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Making healthy lifestyle choices isn’t just about getting thinner, or having more energy. Being healthy will also impact your hearing health. Having a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B, C, D, zinc, potassium, magnesium, and folic acid is good for your hearing health, and will help your ears stay sharp for years to come.

Smoking also affects your hearing health, so making the decision to stop smoking is about more than reducing your risk of cancer. Then there’s exercise. You might think the only reason to go for a walk or hit the gym is to drop a couple pant sizes, but staying active will give you more energy, get your blood pumping, and keep your ears healthy.

Stay Away from Loud Noises

To improve your hearing health in the new year, pay attention to how loud the sounds around you are. We often don’t realize how loud our environment is, and simply noticing when something is too loud could make a big difference for your hearing. Whether at work or during leisure activities like hunting, biking, moving the lawn, or listening to loud music during your commute, make sure you know how loud is too loud, and wear hearing protection if you think it’s too loud. Any sounds louder than 85 decibels can cause permanent damage to your hearing, so always carry earplugs with you. If you find yourself on a screeching subway car, at a loud concert, or at a fireworks display, you can protect your ears and your hearing.

Schedule a Hearing Test

One of the most important things you can do for you hearing health is to book a hearing test. You might think your hearing isn’t too bad yet, but changes in hearing happen slowly, and you may not have noticed how bad it’s getting. Maybe hearing on the phone is a bit harder than it used to be, or you struggle to follow conversations, especially in groups like the holiday dinner you hosted this year. To have a healthy 2018, schedule a hearing test with us at Hearing Wellness Solutions and let us help you get back to hearing. We recommend annual hearing exams, so you never need to wonder about your hearing health, or stress about hearing.

Give Your Hearing Aids a Tune-Up

Do you already have hearing aids? When was the last time you had a tune-up? If you wear hearing aids every day but you want to improve your hearing health in 2018, visit us for a tune-up and cleaning. It’s important to check your hearing aids every six months to ensure everything is in good working order, and your hearing aids are helping you hear. If you’ve had any technical issues, we’re happy to help you get your hearing aids back up to snuff.

If your hearing aid isn’t a good fit for your level of hearing loss or lifestyle, 2018 is the perfect time to invest in a new pair of hearing aids that matches your needs. Have your hearing needs changed? Do you struggle to hear the TV, or have trouble in certain locations? There are new advances in hearing aid technology every year, so if your devices are a few years old, it might be time for an upgrade. You’ll be shocked by how many new ways there are to hear.

This New Years, resolve to make your hearing health a priority in 2018. Whether you need a hearing assessment, a hearing aid, or just a bit of hearing aid maintenance, take charge of your hearing health and visit us at Hearing Wellness Solutions in January for all your hearing needs. From all of us at Hearing Wellness Solutions, we wish you a happy new year!

Take steps to ensure your best hearing health today! We offer the highest quality hearing aids in Springfield, MO. Contact us at Hearing Wellness Solutions for a hearing test.