On March 3, Celebrate World Hearing Day by Checking Your Hearing!

On March 3, Celebrate World Hearing Day by Checking Your Hearing!

In Hearing Health, hearing loss by Candace Wawra

What is World Hearing Day?

Each year on March 3, the World Health Organization (WHO) promotes World Hearing Day to help raise awareness on prevention strategies and treatment options for those with hearing loss and deafness. World Hearing Day began back in 2007 at the First International Conference on Prevention and Rehabilitation of Hearing Impairment in Beijing, China. Why did WHO decide to choose March 3rd? Because the date, 3-3-19, resembles the look of two ears.

Every year, WHO develops a unique theme for World Hearing Day. This year, the theme is “Check Your Hearing”! The purpose of this year’s theme is to help the public better understand the importance of early identification and early treatment of hearing loss. The sooner one checks their hearing, the sooner they are aware of any existing hearing loss, the sooner they can begin treatment. Treating hearing loss does not only help one better hear; it has been known to have a profoundly positive impact on a variety of areas in our lives. Treating hearing loss has been found to improve workplace productivity and earning potential, improve relationships with our friends and family, increase happiness, decrease social isolation and depression, and slow the progression of cognitive decline.

The earlier we test and treat our hearing, the sooner we can begin reaping all of the many benefits of treating our hearing loss.

Hearing Loss by the Millions (and Billions)

Think hearing loss isn’t that big of a deal or not that common? Think again. Learn more about hearing loss by understanding hearing loss by the numbers.

  • 446,000,000 –This staggering number – 446 million – represents the number of people who are currently living with disabling hearing loss. This number includes about 48 million American adults and 36 million children across the globe.
  • 900,000,000 –Nine hundred million. This incredibly gigantic number is the estimated total number of people globally who will be living with disabling hearing loss by 2050. This number means that a remarkable one out of every ten humans living on planet earth will have disabling hearing loss in just over 30 years.
  • 1,100,000,000 –One billion one hundred million. This ginormous number represents the number of young people (aged 12-35) who are at risk of developing permanent hearing loss caused by their noisy recreational activities.
  • 750,000,000,000 – Seven hundred and fifty billion (more than halfway to a trillion)! This number represents the global cost – in US dollars – of treating hearing loss. Financially speaking, preventative and educational measures for preventing hearing loss are much more cost effective than hearing loss treatment, as well as treatment of other ailments and injuries caused by untreated hearing loss.

Goals of World Hearing Day

The goals of World Hearing Day are as follows:

  1. Promote public health actions for ear and hearing care.
  2. Stimulate intersectoral partnership for ear and hearing care.
  3. Raise awareness on hearing loss and care at a national and community levels across the world.
  4. Encourage behavior change towards healthy EHC practices.

(source: https://www.who.int/deafness/world-hearing-day/World-Hearing-Day-Toolkit-for-planning-of-events.pdf?ua=1).

Get Involved in World Hearing Day 2019

The best way to get involved in World Hearing Day is to schedule a comprehensive hearing assessment with a licensed hearing healthcare professional. Once you take a hearing assessment, you will have a basic understanding of your hearing strengths and weaknesses, and can begin creating your hearing healthcare plan with your hearing healthcare provider.

Another great way to get involved in World Hearing Day is to encourage someone you love to get a hearing screen as well. On average, Americans wait about seven years from the time they notice changes in their hearing to the time they seek help from a professional. Most commonly, patients report the negative impact their hearing loss was having on their personal relationships as a key reason for finally reaching out for support. If someone you love is experiencing hearing loss and it is affecting you, the most loving thing you can do is to reach out and let them know.

To schedule a hearing test, contact us at Hearing Wellness Solutions today! Take steps to ensure your best hearing health today! We offer the highest quality hearing aids in Springfield, MO.

Contact us at Hearing Wellness Solutions for a hearing test.