Summer Maintenance Tips for Your Hearing Aids

Summer Maintenance Tips for Your Hearing Aids

In Hearing aid care, Hearing Aid Technology, hearing aids, Tips & Tricks by Candace Wawra

Your hearing aids have been wonderful all winter, and you want to keep enjoying great hearing all summer long. You can! There are just a few dangers to your hearing aids that you’ll have to be on the lookout for. As the temperatures go up and the kids start summer vacation, here are a few maintenance tips so your hearing aid will be in top form through the summer season.


Summer is always a fun season. Who doesn’t enjoy getting out of doors, heading to the beach, planning a vacation, or just relaxing by the pool in the backyard? Whatever your summer plans, you’ll need to be vigilant so that your hearing aids enjoy the summer as much as you do, and don’t get damaged in the process.

Dirt, dust, and summertime sand are all major concerns for hearing aid wearers. If you’re at the beach, make sure you don’t touch your ears or hearing aids with sandy fingers. The small sand particles are especially bad for your devices, since they can clog the microphone, or get jammed in the battery door.

If you use sunscreen spray or bug spray, be sure you never spray anywhere near your ears! In fact, it’s better to remove your devices altogether while applying any sunscreen or bug spray. The sticky residue reduces sound quality, blocks the microphones, and shortens the life of your hearing aids.


One of the worst things for your hearing aid is getting wet. Like your laptop or cell phone, your hearing aids are not a big fan of the pool. Sweat is one of the biggest concerns to watch for this summer season. Sweat can damage the sound quality of your devices, as well as reducing functionality and battery life. Whether you worked up a sweat going for a run, or running after your dog in the park, you don’t want that summer fun to turn into a headache.

If your summer plans include a trip to the pool, the beach, or the ocean, the best thing you can do is take out your hearing aids whenever you’re near the water, and definitely remove them before jumping in. Be sure to store your devices in a dry, shady spot that out of reach of any children or pets. If you have a waterproof case or bag, now is the time to pull it out. Salt water can be particularly problematic, since salt crystals will be left behind be evaporating water. These crystals can clog microphones and tubing, or even permanently damage your devices.

Extreme Heat

We love summers because of the heat, but our hearing aids don’t appreciate the rise in temperature. The soaring temperatures can get a bit overwhelming, so take care of yourself and your hearing aids. The casings of your devices are plastic, and when exposed to direct sunlight and extreme heat, they will melt. Heat can also damage the batteries or shorten battery life. Don’t leave your hearing aids in the car during the summer, and when you take them out, make sure they’re in a dry, shady place. Even the bedside table could be the wrong place if it’s in direct sunlight.

Maintenance Tips

During the summer, you have to take a couple of extra steps to make sure you can enjoy a lovely summer, and still have great hearing. The best thing you can do for your devices is a daily cleaning, to make sure there is no dirt, dust, debris, or moisture buildup anywhere on your hearing aids. Clean the entire device thoroughly with a soft, dry cloth, and pay special attention to the microphone ports, tubing, battery door, and any uneven surfaces on your device.

Hearing Wellness Solutions

At Hearing Wellness Solutions we’re here to help with all your hearing aid needs. Whether you’re planning summer holidays, or are just looking forward to the warmer weather, don’t forget your hearing health, and take care of your hearing aids.

Have you been experiencing some problems with your devices this summer season? Bring your hearing aids in for a check up and thorough cleaning. We’ll make sure your devices are in perfect working order, so you can enjoy the summer without stressing about your hearing.

Take steps to ensure your best hearing health today! We offer the highest quality hearing aids in Springfield, MO. Contact us at Hearing Wellness Solutions for a hearing test.