Loving Elderly Couple Reading Book Together, Sitting In Wicker C

Tips for Accommodating Your Loved One with Hearing Loss

In hearing loss by audseo

Hearing loss becomes increasingly prevalent in older adults. Treatment for age-related hearing loss often comes in the form of hearing aids; however, with or without treatment there are communication tools and modifications that you can use to communicate more efficiently with your loved ones. 

  1. Speak clearly- This may seem like a no-brainer to some, except we don’t always realize we are mumbling. Whether thinking about something else or feeling tired, we mumble more than we realize. Be aware of this when speaking to others, especially those with hearing loss, as it makes it much harder for them to understand. Additionally, do not over-correct by over-enunciating or yelling. Speak clearly, at a normal pace and volume.
  1. Optimal positioning for hearing– When starting a conversation with someone who has a hearing loss make sure to get their attention first. Do not start talking from another room or without facing them. Face-to-face communication at eye level is the optimal position for hearing and understanding each other when speaking.
  • Body language- Most people don’t realize how much body language and facial expressions are used when communicating. These are communication tools that are used perhaps even more so by those with hearing loss to better understand each other. This is another reason it is important to be face-to-face while communicating.
  1. Reduce background noise– Whether at a crowded restaurant or a family gathering, background noise makes hearing even more difficult for those with hearing loss. While there are some hearing aids with settings to help reduce this background noise, it is often more effective to plan in advance. Make a reservation at a restaurant and ask for a quieter area or turn off televisions that may be on in the background during a conversation. 
  • Well-lit- Similar to reducing background noise, environment modifications such as ensuring appropriate lighting can make a big impact on hearing. As discussed, communicating often occurs through other cues such as body language and facial expressions, therefore a well-lit room can help when talking to others. Furthermore, some people with hearing loss read lips, however, this is only possible if they can see the person they are speaking with.
  1. Rephrase instead of repeat– If the person you are speaking to says “what?” or asks you to repeat yourself, it is actually more effective to rephrase rather than repeat. For example, if you ask “Are you coming to the store with me?” and have to repeat yourself, try saying “I’m going to Target, do you want to go with me?” 
  • Video calls instead of phone calls- For reasons reviewed above, adding a visual to a call by using a video call instead of the phone call can be helpful for those with hearing loss. Video calls give us more to work with such as body language and environmental context rather than just sound.
  • Subtitles- Subtitles are available on most televisions these days. If you are sitting down to watch a movie or television show with your loved one, subtitles should be offered. There are also smartphone apps and even landline phones that have the ability to interpret sound into written words on the screen. This could be a good option for phone calls as well. 
  • Advocate- It is important for those with hearing loss to advocate for themselves and speak up when they are having trouble hearing. However, for many older adults, asking for this help is challenging. It may be necessary to advocate for them by making sure the environment is set up to best help them hear. 
  • Do not exclude- Hearing loss can be an incredibly isolating condition. When communicating with those around you becomes more difficult, people tend to avoid those situations altogether. Make sure to include your loved one in conversations by asking if they can hear and understand you. You can also ask if they have tips that work for them such as a “better ear or side” that you can speak to. 

There are many ways to include and accommodate your loved ones with hearing loss. At Hearing Wellness Solutions, we’re here to help. Contact us today to discuss these and other steps that can be taken, in addition to treatment, to ensure that your loved one is hearing at their best!