Why You Should Actively Address Hearing Loss Treatment

Why You Should Actively Address Hearing Loss Treatment

In Hearing Health, hearing loss by Candace Wawra

Hearing loss often begins slowly. So subtle, are the first signs, that it often takes people years to realize they have a hearing loss at all. Usually, the signs may begin to be more obvious in a person’s 40s or 50s. Often they show up as having to ask people to repeat themselves, regularly, or struggling to hear speech in a noisy, crowded room. Perhaps people complain when you listen to the TV too loud, when it seems fine to you?

You may recognize these early signs of hearing loss, and it may even be tempting to think that you’ll deal with it once it becomes more severe. However, the issue is that putting off treating even a mild hearing loss can have serious implications in the future.

The Beauty of Modern Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are an amazing technology that have come a long way in the last 30 years. The hearing aids of the past were bulky, amplified sound crudely and were prone to feedback. Today’s hearing aids are digital and can amplify only the sounds and tones you struggle with, eliminating the stress of struggling to follow conversation. Many times, people put off the process of getting fitted for new hearing aids due to stigmas. Many people fear that admitting they need to treat their hearing is synonymous with growing old. Other’s fear the cost of hearing aids. The question you may be asking yourself is, “Can I afford to put off hearing aids until it gets worse?”

What Happens When You Put Off Getting Hearing Aids

When you put off treating your hearing loss, there are greater impacts down the road – many of them compromise priceless aspects of our life, such as mental and physical health, emotional well-being, and cognitive functioning. The irony is, that while many people fear having hearing aids make them seem old, there is nothing more indicative of old age, than seeming out of it, because you can’t follow the conversation.

The Dangers of Untreated Hearing Loss

When you put off treating your hearing loss, many issues begin to develop. It’s important to understand that hearing loss does not develop overnight and recognizing the signs can help you treat it before it becomes a greater issue.

Hearing Loss, Your Relationships, and Emotional Health

When we have to ask people to repeat themselves, or pretend to hear what someone said, for fear of stopping the conversation, it begins to have an impact on our relationships. People may tell you stories or important information which you’ve missed completely. This can make them feel as if you are not listening, or uninterested. Over time you may feel that your personal and professional relationships are strained.

Even your closest relationships with family and significant others feel the stress. The loss of casual banter and inside jokes, often leads to a place of reduced closeness. As a result, many people with untreated hearing loss feel depressed. Over years, this can turn into chronic depression which leaks into other aspects of life and health.

Hearing Loss and Your Brain 

When you have even mild hearing loss, your brain isn’t being fully stimulated. Damage to the ears stops certain sounds from reaching the brain. Research has found that the areas of the brain that aren’t stimulated suffer from under-stimulation which can begin an early process of cognitive decline. Research has found that people with even a mild (25-decibel) hearing loss are nearly twice as likely to develop dementia as those with normal hearing. For every 10-decibel increase in hearing loss, the risk for dementia jumps by 20 percent!

Treating Hearing Loss with Hearing Wellness Solutions

The sooner you treat your hearing loss the sooner you can start to minimize the negative effects of hearing loss. Hearing aids amplify the tones you struggle with, which means that your brain will not be forced to strain, and you can focus on important relationships instead. Depending on how long you’ve already gone without treatment, it can take a long time to start to heal relationships affected and rebuild cognitive health. The good news is that hearing aids provide the chance to do this!

Don’t let it get to this point. Schedule an appointment with our friendly team at Hearing Wellness Solutions and experience the life-changing benefits of healthy hearing!